Friday, October 1, 2010

Procrastination much?

It is probably no surprise to anybody that knows me but for those of you that do not know me, it is important you learn this now.  I am a procrastinator.  I find an excuse for everything. It is a terrible habit that I have had since I was a young child myself. I hope to rid of it one day soon.  In the meantime, expect me to procrastinate.  Heck, you can even scold me for it. 

The reason I bring this negative quality of mine up is that I have had this blog started for MONTHS.  I keep telling myself that I will start it 'tomorrow'.  Well, tomorrow never comes, apparently. 

I took today's date (being the 1st of the month) to begin what I keep saying I will start.  So, without further ado...

I present to you, my first post! 

(Dontcha just love it??)